Four Pillars of Building a Cybersecurity Culture

Four Pillars of Building a Cybersecurity Culture

If someone asked you, “what’s it like to work at [your company]?”, what would you reply? I suppose it depends on your role, how long you’ve worked there and the impression you want to relay, but it’s safe to assume that some aspect of your answer would include...
What is Spear Phishing?

What is Spear Phishing?

Phishing attacks continue to rise as bad guys keep finding new ways to implement and profit from it. In fact, phishing is an element in about 70% of breaches that strike businesses every day. One sophisticated kind of phishing is called spear phishing, which like the...
3 Automation Opportunities for Accounting Firms

3 Automation Opportunities for Accounting Firms

“How can we make the most of automation next year?” With the accounting firms we talk to, questions on “automation” continuously come up. Growing companies want to not only cut labor costs with automation, but perhaps more importantly, to reduce manual time on...